“My Bloody Valentine”

“My Bloody Valentine” is a three-film horror film collection that celebrates Paramount Pictures’ classic horror films "My Bloody Valentine”, “Trick or Treat” and “Friday the 13th”. With a Valentine’s Day makeover, this collection is the perfect gift for that ghoul in your life.

Making of…

Greeting cards from the 1950s featured cute, illustrated animals and babies delivering bad puns to communicate to your loved ones how much you care. As cheesy as they are they make me smile, especially Valentine’s Day cards. I wanted to combine my love of both Halloween/Horror and Valentine’s together and decided to create a speciality DVD collection for horror fans.

Named after the 1980s mining-based slasher, “My Bloody Valentine” is made up of three Paramount Pictures horror films that take place on a holiday. This the process of creating the O-card horror-valentine’s DVD collection.

Fig. 2

Typographic reference for title treatments..

Fig. 1

Referenced the borders are 1950s Valentines features in old magazines.

Fig. 3

First sketch draft to pitch concept. Illustrated on Procreate.